trump voters hate islam

Trump Voters Hate Islam and are Extremely Religious

Mental health and religiosity are interconnected United States citizens who voted Republican during presidential elections on 2016 tend to describe themselves as extremely religious.

Steve Bannon Portrait

Why Are Steve Bannon’s Religious Beliefs So Mysterious?

Political Strategist Combines Several Theories to Promote Unique View of Catholicism Steve Bannon, a name that that creates intense hatred or adulation. Known as

Sam Well Preacher

Over 4,000 Faith Leaders Want Trump to Keep Johnson Amendment

President Trump has signed the executive order to stymie the law About 4,000 faith leaders from different religions have given their signatures to a

LDS Church Lobbyist Picked for Utah Legislature Post

John Q. Cannon will head Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel Lawmakers in Utah recommended John Q. Cannon to head the Office of

Trump’s New Ban Unlocks Religious Anger and Praise

Leaders on Media Condemn and Applaud There has been a vocal response to President Trump’s Tweet that he will be banning transgender people from

Pence Appears at Focus on Family Event

The US Vice President attends religious right group’s anniversary celebration; promises unwavering support from Trump administration. US Vice President, Mike Pence, flew to Colorado

Atheist Arizona Legislator Stands Up for Secularism

Democrat Athena Salman criticized for secular invocation In public ceremonies, different faiths will offer prayers. Christians and Jews who are gathered for a graduation

How Political is Your Pastor? Very, a New Study Shows

A new study examines the political leanings of religious leaders. Does church influence your politics or do you seek a house of worship that

BIC: The Advancement of Women, Equality and True Prosperity

BAHA’I FAITH SERIES - TOWARD PROSPERITY: THE ADVANCEMENT OF WOMEN The Baha’i Faith is a faith based on the beliefs that God wants humankind

23-Year-Old Hillary Clinton Interview Gives Insight About Her Faith

23-Year-Old Hillary Clinton Interview Gives Insight About Her Faith

A 1993 interview with Hillary Clinton has surfaced in which she talks extensively about her religious upbringing. Hillary Clinton has not had much luck