Tricycle Theatre

UK Theatre Rejects Jewish Film Festival Over Israel-Palestine Conflict

The Tricycle Theatre in London faces criticism for refusing to host the upcoming UK Jewish Film Festival because it is supported by Israel's Embassy.

Hamas Leader on Charlie Rose

Hamas leader wants sovereign Palestinian state, calls for end to Israeli occupation

Hamas leader says Palestine and Jews can co-exist, but occupation must end. “We can co-exist with Jews, but not with military occupation”, says Hamas.

Pope Francis Peres Abbas

Pope Francis, Mahmoud Abbas and Shimon Peres Come Together to Pray for Peace

Last Sunday, Pope Francis, Mahmoud Abbas and Shimon Peres joined in an historic meeting at the Vatican for a united commitment for peace in

Pope Francis In Brazil

Pope Francis Breaks Tradition During Trip to Middle East

Pope Francis greets followers during a 2013 trip to Brazil. This past weekend, Pope Francis visited the Middle East to promote peace among Muslims,

Israel Honors History with Holocaust Remembrance Day

Holocaust Remembrance Day is a day during which we can remember the people that suffered and died in one of the world’s greatest atrocities, the purposeful and systematic eradication of an entire people. During the commemorations throughout the day this …