Marijuana Ruling

Judge Rules Marijuana Remains Schedule 1 Drug: Here’s How Religions are Combatting Drug Use

Much to the disappointment of a group of on-looking activists who anxiously waited Wednesday to have a California-based Federal Judge pass a ruling to

Marco Rubio

How will Marco Rubio’s Faith Impact His Presidential Run?

Religion and faith are important elements to presidential candidate Marco Rubio's life, but how will his faith impact his campaign? Senator Marco Rubio, representative


Marvel and Netflix Showcase Catholic Faith in ‘Daredevil’ Series

Netflix & Marvel teamed up to produce the critically acclaimed Daredevil  which features Matt Murdock, a Catholic wrestling with his faith, as well as

Liberal and Conservative Catholics Unite on Abolition of the Death Penalty

When it comes to the thorny issues in life, such as abortion and euthanasia, both liberal and conservative groups of Catholics are often divided

Millennials Observe Lenten Fast at Surprising Rates

Millennials observe the Lenten fast at surprising rates. They practice the Christian tradition more commonly than even their parents. Fasting (giving up certain kind

Holy Week Basillica

Holy Week is in full swing

These seven days go through the various events as Jesus made his way to the cross. Holy Week starts off with Palm Sunday and

Catholic Women Still Fighting for a Voice Despite Pope’s Many Stellar Reform Initiatives

In the wake of International Women’s Day, momentum has continued to carry Catholic women forward as they press for greater equality in their role

Sex Abuse Scandal Pope

Pope Francis’ Zero Tolerance for Sexual Abuse Questioned

The Catholic Church has dealt with many sexual abuse scandals, but is Pope Francis actually committed to a zero tolerance policy? In 2011, a

St. Patrick's Day

A History of St. Patrick’s Day

Celebrated as the world's most popular holiday for Irish culture, what does St. Patrick's Day truly commemorate? Many people understand the basic tenets of