“Religious Confession and Evidential Privilege in the 21st Century” seeks to spark discussion on the preservation of the confidentiality of confession while increasing accountability,
Nine Years for Pastor, Armed Church Security? Interfaith Award, Truth or Guns? Sikhs Help in Fires, Evangelicals Polled, Falun Gong “Cult” Chinese Sentence Christian
These religious locations around the world cause tension and conflict. 1. Western Wall This wall, located near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, is historically
Cardinal George Pell is the senior most Catholic leader to be convicted of a crime Cardinal George Pell, at 77-years-old, became the senior most
The Church of Scientology has said the murder was incited by the show's efforts to "poison the airwaves" to "create hatred" towards Scientology. The
The bill has its fair share of critics The Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced on December 13 that a bill to protect individuals
He wants Labor to pass a bill to bypass technological encryption. Prime Minister Scott Morrison of Australia wants his country's Muslim community to be
Over 20,000 have a signed petition in protest. Christians and Muslims have expressed outrage over a controversial Australian advertisement campaign where Jesus donated his
Says Australians should decide if they want “non-English speaking immigrants from the third world,” Muslims in particular Australian crossbench senator Fraser Anning from the
Statue Was Seen By Over 11 Million People Over 9 years The Jade Buddha of Universal Peace came home to Great Stupa of Universal