Donald Trump: “Anti-Semitism is Horrible”

President denounces anti-Semitism in wake of recent threats to JCC's. President Trump came out against anti-Semitism[/tweetit] earlier this week in response to the growing

JCC’s Hit with Fourth Wave of Bomb Threats

JCCs across the country targeted for the fourth time in five weeks. Jewish community centers in America have been facing bomb threats for some

Trump Avoids Jewish Reporter’s Question on How He Will Fight Anti-Semitism

President Trump tells Jewish reporter to "sit down" and be quiet." U.S. President shocked the world by snubbing a Jewish journalist by asking him

Trump Credited for 200% Growth of Anti-Muslim Hate Groups

Statistics show nearly 200% rise in anti-Muslim hate groups in the U.S. 2016 witnessed a significant rise in the number of anti-Muslim hate groups

Jewish Community Centers Nationwide Face Third Wave of Bomb Threats

JCCs hit with bomb threats for the third time a month. In the month of January, Jewish Community Centers (JCCs) were threatened with bomb

Anita Mishook Featured Contributor

Concern About Trump’s Presidency Echo Fears from Woeful 1930s

The eery similarities between 1930s America and today. As Americans of the Islamic faith raise their concerns about the new President’s intentions towards them,

Rising Attacks in France Make 5,000 Jews Migrate to Israel

The Jewish community in France is experiencing a mass exodus. According to a report published by The Jewish Agency for Israel, around 5,000 Jews

Neo-Nazis Manipulate Movie Footage to Claim it’s About Jewish Supremacy

Theorists insist Carpenter is wrong about his movie; offer photoshopped ‘evidence’ and ‘proof’. Conspiracy theorists who believe the world is controlled by Jews have

Sharp Increase in British Jews Applying for Portuguese Citizenship After Brexit

Governments are compelling many Jews to leave Britain as a rising number of British Jews are seeking Portuguese passports. A large number of Jews

6 Big-Time Clergy Are Praying at Trump’s Inauguration

Franklin Graham, Timothy Dolan, Paula White are among those will pray at Trump's inauguration ceremony. President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration ceremony is going to be