Marvel Artist Fired for Hiding Religious Messages in X-Men Comic

Marvel sacks artist after fans find Quranic references, anti-Semitic, and anti-Christian messages in comic panels. After reports of anti-Semitic and anti-Christian references in an

ADL Says Most Americans Want Gov’t to Address Violence Against Jews and Muslims

ADL finds that anti-Semitism is on a decline; the majority of Americans want the Government to take measures to address the attacks on Jews

Anti-Islamophobia Bill Passes in Canada

The M-103 bill to condemn religious discrimination passed 201 to 91 on Thursday. Canada's House of Commons easily passed M-103, a non-binding motion which

ADL to Take on Cyberhate with New Silicon Valley Center

ADL open Silicon Valley center to combat cyberhate Jonathan Greenblatt, the Chief Executive Officer of Anti-Defamation League (ADL) made an announcement that his organization

Mark Rutte Defeats Anti-Islamic Candidate Geert Wilders in Dutch Election

Mark Rutte claims victory over anti-Muslim Geert Wilders. Netherland’s far right extremist candidate Geert Wilders faced a heavy defeat against Conservative Prime Minister Mark

Former Reporter Arrested in Connection to Bomb Threats to Jewish Organizations

Former journalist arrested for making threats to JCC's to frame his ex-girlfriend. A former reporter has been arrested for at least eight bomb threats

Trump Reaches Out to Religious Minorities, Calls JCC Bomb Threats “False Flags”

Trump suggested the bomb threats received by Jewish organizations may have been a deliberate attempt at defaming him and his supporters. The sudden spread

A Summary of Anti-Semitic Vandalism and Bomb Threats Around the United States

Anti-Semitic attacks around the nation have spiked dramatically since the beginning of 2017. As of February 27, 2017, the number of anti-Semitic attacks, in

J.K. Rowling’s Tweet Bumps Muslim Fundraiser for Vandalized Jewish Cemetery Over $100,000

Muslim-Americans raise over $100,000 to repair vandalized historic Jewish cemetery. Despite Donald Trump’s repeated assurances that his government would tackle the problem of anti-Semitism,

Jewish Headstones Knocked Over in Missouri Cemetery

Vandals topple graves at a Jewish cemetery in Missouri. In a recent anti-Semitic attack, vandals tipped over and damaged around 200 Jewish headstones[/tweetit] at