The Religion of Neil Gorsuch and His Religious Liberty Record

Democrats are concerned with Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch.

The Trump administration is actively trying to rally support for the President’s nominee to the Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch. The principal plank for his supporters is his notable religious rights defense when he was a judge sitting on the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The judge, in a decision which will create legal ripples, made the argument that the government should not force consciences of believers.

The Religion of Neil Gorsuch and His Religious Liberty Record[/tweetthis]

Democrats have a tough time opposing Gorsuch. He is a likable person, and well-qualified among the Republicans. The opposition has taken up one line of attack which can be viable to oppose the nomination. It is seen that Neil Gorsuch’s rulings have always helped the wealthy and the powerful.[/tweetit] His judgments leave vulnerable citizens and workers by the wayside. The Democratic campaign ties Gorsuch's obvious support for big businesses to the Trump administration's obvious bias. The Democratic thread goes that in case he gets nominated as a judge in the Supreme Court, it would be terrible news for minorities, disadvantaged groups and women. There is another problem as well. The court under him may be the place where only the suffering of the religious is held valid.

Gorsuch himself has an interesting religious background. He was born Catholic but presently worships with his two daughters and his British wife at St. John's Episcopal Church located in Boulder, Colorado. The congregation, like the city, is liberal in its politics. Guns are not allowed in the city's college campuses. Renewable energy technologies like solar panels are extensively used. Anti-Muslim rhetoric is not allowed. Lesbians and gays are welcomed.

Republicans themselves voice reservations about their party's Supreme Court nominee. A few hardcore conservatives have concerns when it comes to Gorsuch's choice of church. They portray him as a person who attends a church which they say is extremely pro-gay, anti-Trump, pro-green and pro-Muslim. A few wonder whether he is a secret liberal.

The Trump administration encourages pliant religious leaders to push back against questions like these. They say that Gorsuch must be judged on the judicial opinions he has made and not on the political views of his church. A number of evangelicals and Republicans agree. They are quick to point out his unmatchable conservative credentials: a lifelong Republican member and a prominent member of the Federalist Society, a conservative legal organization. He is the author of The Future of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia, where he gave robust arguments against the issue of assisted suicide.


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