What Is Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s Religion?
- By C Barnett --
- 16 Jul 2018 --
Is Brett Kavanaugh More Religious Than The Other Supreme Court Justices?
Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court has created joyful enthusiasm amongst religious conservatives. They believe that he will tilt Supreme Court rulings towards their favor. Part of the reason conservatives feel this way is Kavanaugh’s religious beliefs.
What Is Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s Religion?[/tweetthis]
Kavanaugh is a Catholic. Many would consider him a devout Catholic. He serves as a lector, usher, and coaches youth girls basketball at his church, Blessed Sacrament Church, in Washington, D.C. Kavanaugh regularly volunteers for Catholic charities. In addition to his volunteer work, Kavanaugh is a member of the John Carroll Society, a group of Catholic professionals.
This is not so unusual for a Supreme Court Justice. Historically, most Justices have been religious. Kavanaugh is appealing to religious organizations based on his faith and his rulings on critical issues of religious liberty. He has ruled that prayer for public events is ok, that governments can’t compel companies to provide contraception if it violates their religious beliefs and favored limiting abortions.
While Kavanaugh has publicly stated that a judge should be fair and balanced, it is unclear if the judge follows this practice. Legal experts have pointed out that on several cases Kavanaugh was the lone vote for a more conservative stance. Kavanaugh has also used his position to provide legal opinions on matters when other judges would not even take the case. Experts have stated these are clear examples of being an activist judge.
Kavanaugh has always shown an interest to rule on cases involving religious liberty. Given the previous voting record of the Supreme Court, this could easily give religious organizations in America a significant advantage in legal arena for decades to come.