A Look Inside Scientology’s Colossal High Tech Headquarters
- By Nathan Glover --
- 21 Oct 2015 --

Photos have been published of the Church of Scientology’s spiritual headquarters in Florida, also known as the Flag Building.
The Telegraph has published a photo gallery filled with images from the Church of Scientology’s headquarters in Clearwater, Florida. The collection includes shots of the chapel, a museum, an auditing room, and L. Ron Hubbard’s office. Also on site are study rooms, a café, library, and bookstores.
The building encompasses an entire city block on South Fort Harrison Avenue and is marked by a 15-story tower topped with a bronze Scientology cross.
The “Ideal Org of Ideal Orgs” is the first Church of Scientology location to offer the Super Power Rundown and Cause Resurgence Rundown.

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