L. Ron Hubbard boy scout

Boy Scout Ron Hubbard Meets President Calvin Coolidge

This article was written by Jerry L. Wallace and is published with his permission. At around noontime, on Thursday, March 20, 1924, Ron Hubbard

L. Ron Hubbard House in Washington, D.C.

Why the Fourth of July Has Special Meaning for Scientologists

This 4th of July Americans will celebrate in the traditional ways—ballgames, barbecues, fireworks, parades—an event that happened nearly two-and-a-half centuries ago. More accurately we

L. Ron Hubbard House in Washington, D.C.

Why the Fourth of July Has Special Meaning for Scientologists

This 4th of July Americans will celebrate in the traditional ways—ballgames, barbecues, fireworks, parades—an event that happened nearly two-and-a-half centuries ago. More accurately we

Dianetics book

Dianetics is Still Needed and Timely After 73 Years

In the spring of 1950, the world was still digging itself out of the rubble of World War II, a conflict that had advanced

L. Ron Hubbard

How I Feel About the Founder of My Religion: L. Ron Hubbard

I grew up as a Protestant Christian, so when I was first introduced to Scientology in my mid 20s, I tried to understand this exciting, fascinating,

What is Scientology?

The Gifts of Scientology

Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard once said, “The essence of all spiritual life is to assist those too weak to help themselves. Scientology helps

L. Ron Hubbard in Phoenix

Congratulations to the Church of Scientology on the Anniversary of Dianetics

L. Ron Hubbard founded the Scientology religion in 1952. But the beginning of the movement was actually the publication of Dianetics: The Modern Science

L. Ron Hubbard’s Greatest Gift to the World on His Birthday

This article about the Scientology religion and Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard was originally published on standleague.org and has also been republished on patheos.com.

L. Ron Hubbard

L. Ron Hubbard and a Legacy for Southern Africa

June 16 marks the anniversary of the event that did more to draw world attention to the human and civil rights violations of apartheid

Faith-based Adoption Agency Will Now Place children in LGBT Homes

Is Spirituality the Fountain of Youth? by T. Riggs Eckelberry

What is it about spirituality that makes people look younger? Ten years ago, I stepped out of an elevator at the Scientology church where