High School Seniors Cover the Girls Restroom Mirror with Inspirational Messages to Fellow Classmates

Seniors wrote messages of the importance of inner beauty and faith over appearance. Shortly after school began last month, seniors at Trinity Academy in

Faithbox Encourages Spiritual Growth and Philanthropy through Monthly Subscription

Faithbox delivers eco-friendly products that are "good for the soul." NEW YORK, Sept. 2, 2015 /Christian Newswire/ -- Carving out a niche in the

How Christian is Donald Trump? Recent Comments Have Spectators Questioning His Faith

Trump seems to have difficulty convincing religious groups that he is living a true Christian life. Certainly the most interesting and intriguing personality in

Catholic Church Will Grant Forgiveness to Women Who Have an Abortion In 2016

The Catholic Church will allow priests to forgive the sin of abortion during the Jubilee Year of Mercy. In his latest letter to the

Legendary Musician Van Morrison Declares He “Wouldn’t Touch [Religion] With a 10-Foot Pole”

Is Van Morrison "spiritual not religious"? Van Morrison shared his views on religion a few days before his 70th birthday concert. The Hall of

Pope Francis Held Virtual Chat with Americans Ahead of His Visit

"Pope Francis and the People:" High school students, immigrants and the homeless have live virtual chat with the Pope ahead of his ABC 20/20

Louis Theroux

BBC-sponsored Scientology Documentary by Louis Theroux, ‘My Scientology Movie,’ to Premiere in October

Seasoned documentarian Louis Theroux's My Scientology Movie  is set to world premiere in London next month. The film will be the second documentary to

Islamic Society of North America Leads Campaign for Women-Friendly Mosques in the U.S.

American Islamic organization pushes for mosques to alleviate the poor conditions women are forced to worship in across the country. The Islamic Society of

Religion Is Not an Excuse for Gay Discrimination or Homophobia

John Oliver was on roll with his satirical rant about those who hide behind religion to excuse their discrimination of the LGBT. In one

Fourth Annual “Nuns on the Bus” Tour Will focus on the Pope’s Visit

The 2,000 mile Nuns on the Bus trek will in end in time to greet Pope Francis in Washington, D.C. The fourth annual “Nuns