Pope Francis Held Virtual Chat with Americans Ahead of His Visit

"Pope Francis and the People:" High school students, immigrants and the homeless have live virtual chat with the Pope ahead of his ABC 20/20

Louis Theroux

BBC-sponsored Scientology Documentary by Louis Theroux, ‘My Scientology Movie,’ to Premiere in October

Seasoned documentarian Louis Theroux's My Scientology Movie  is set to world premiere in London next month. The film will be the second documentary to

Islamic Society of North America Leads Campaign for Women-Friendly Mosques in the U.S.

American Islamic organization pushes for mosques to alleviate the poor conditions women are forced to worship in across the country. The Islamic Society of

Religion Is Not an Excuse for Gay Discrimination or Homophobia

John Oliver was on roll with his satirical rant about those who hide behind religion to excuse their discrimination of the LGBT. In one

Fourth Annual “Nuns on the Bus” Tour Will focus on the Pope’s Visit

The 2,000 mile Nuns on the Bus trek will in end in time to greet Pope Francis in Washington, D.C. The fourth annual “Nuns

‘In God We Trust’ Police Car Bumper Sticker Reignites the Debate of Church and State

Freedom From Religion Foundation has filed complaints on a dozen Law Enforcement Agencies requesting the removal of the religious messages from publicly financed vehicles.

Detroit Lions Player Says “God Meant for Jordy to Get Hurt,” Gets Taken Out of Context

NFL player Glover Quin's blunt remark on Jordy Nelson's injury brings up questions about his intent. There’s no question Glover Quin said it: “...God

Scientology Expansion Linda

Scientology’s Future: An Era of Unprecedented Expansion

The dedication of the Church of Scientology's spiritual headquarters on November 17, 2013, in Clearwater, Florida. We believe in the basic goodness of Mankind

India’s Hindu Population Drops for the First Time while Muslims are on the Rise

Census shows changing faith landscape in India; Hindus fall below 80% of the population for the first time since independence. For the first time

This is the Least Religiously Affiliated State in America

37% of Oregon residents say they are unaffiliated with any religious group, but has the highest percentage of Evangelical Christians in the country. Oregon