Why is a Police Chief telling Atheists to “Go Fly A Kite?”

A Texas police chief gave a remarkably unprofessional answer to the Freedom From Religion Foundation's most recent letter on "In God We Trust" stickers.

Will the Pope’s Visit Have Lasting Effects on American Catholics?

Time will tell if Pope Francis really influenced America. Clearly Pope Francis’ recent visit to the United States is not just a meet and

Pakistan’s Startling New Reveal On ISIS Attacks Against Christians

Pakistan's military has announced ISIS is about to stage wave of terrorist attacks against Christians. The Pakistani government through its armed forces announced that

Gay Mormons Seeking Out Conversion Therapy, but is it Actually Proven?

Despite lawsuits and controversy, young gay Mormon men struggling with their sexuality are still attempting conversion therapy. “Conversion therapy” is a dirty word in

Shakira Sang “Imagine” After the Pope’s Speech to the United Nations

Shakira's choice of song could be seen as a comment on how she feels the Catholic church has been addressing child sexual abuse On

Blood Moon

The Blood Moon Strikes More Prophecies Of Armageddon

Lunar eclipse 2015 as seen from Mill Valley, California via flickr End time prophecies circulate at the sight of Sunday's blood moon, but NASA

Mormons Release An Unusual Video With Advice on Pornography You Need to See

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recently released a video which guides children on how they should react when exposed to pornography.

Muslim Man Performs Last Rites for Hindu Friend

Muslim man refused to allow differences in faith to stop him from helping out his Hindu friend. Relationships between Muslims and Hindus in India

Kim Davis Secretly Meets with Pope, Given the Cost of Discipleship Award

Kim Davis gets and award for standing strong with her religious beliefs and secretly met Pope Francis in Washington. Several groups have never ceased

Ron Reagan’s Zinger: Monotheists Actually Hate Women And Sex

Ron Reagan on 'Real Time with Bill Maher' says Jews, Muslims and Christians hate women and genitals. Liberal commentator and outspoken atheist Ron Reagan,