Kim Davis Secretly Meets with Pope, Given the Cost of Discipleship Award


Kim Davis gets and award for standing strong with her religious beliefs and secretly met Pope Francis in Washington.

Several groups have never ceased showing their support for the jailed Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis. On September 25, the Family Research Council (FRC) has presented to Davis the Cost of Discipleship Award for 2015.

The recognition is given to Davis for standing firm with her religious beliefs, particularly on the concept of marriage. The award was presented by the Council President Tony Perkins who also compared Davis to the likes of Abraham Lincoln and Rosa Parks. Perkins also said that “our nation has been ennobled and enriched by historic citizens who declare their unwillingness to accept rulings and statues that conflict with the laws of nature and with nature’s God.”

It was reported late Tuesday night that Davis’ lawyer, Mat Staver, was contacted by the Vatican just days before the Pope was scheduled to arrive in the U.S. A meeting between Pope Francis and Davis was set up at the Vatican Embassy in Washington just before the Pope left for New York City on Thursday. Staver said Pope Francis wanted to meet with Davis because he “obviously is very concerned about religious freedom not just in the United States but worldwide.”

Francis maintained that conscientious objection is a human right.

“It is a right. And if a person does not allow others to be a conscientious objector, he denies a right,” he said.

The Vatican will not confirm or deny the meeting took place.

Kim Davis Secretly Meets with Pope, Given the Cost of Discipleship Award[/tweetthis]

Davis was teary and trembling while receiving the award and delivering her speech. She felt undeserved and has thanked the Lord “I want to start by thanking my Lord and my Savior Jesus Christ, because without Him it would never be possible.”

On the same event, Kim Davis has also announced that she and her entire family have jumped from the Democrat Party to the Republican.

According to Davis, she felt left alone and hanging especially during the height of the controversy “My husband and I had talked about it for quite a while and we came to the conclusion that the Democratic Party left us a long time ago, so why were we hanging on?”

Even when faced with legal problems and a possible jail term, Davis remained strong with her conviction. In the end, she clarified that there is no longer a problem with the court since the Rowan County is already issuing “altered” marriage licenses to gay couples “I don’t think there should be much of an issue and the judge didn’t have any problem accepting the licenses that were issued when I was incarcerated, which had been altered, so I didn’t see that there should be an issue.”


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