Bill Nye VS Ken Ham

Ken Ham and Bill Nye Debate Still Rages On Months Later

Bill Nye and Ken Ham debated the topic of creationism earlier this year, but the two have kept up the fight through interviews and

Christian Yoga

How Alabama Christians are Using Yoga to Connect with God

Yoga is not restricted to Hinduism. In Alabama, Yoga takes a Christian flavor as a pathway to becoming closer with God. While yoga has

USS Makin Island Address

Navy Appoints the First Atheist Lay Leader

Chief Petty Officer Martin Healey is the first Atheist lay leader. In a great leap forward for diversity of belief, commanders on the USS

Arrested For Feeding Homeless

90-year-old Man, Two Pastors, Arrested for Feeding Homeless in Fort Lauderdale

Two Florida pastors and a 90-year-old man were arrested Sunday while feeding the homeless in Fort Lauderdale. The city had just implemented a new

Five Facts About Human Evolution and Religion

Pope Francis has become the latest pope to affirm that the Catholic Church sees no contradiction in natural evolution and creation, returning the spotlight

Elton John on Religion: Describes Pope Francis as ‘My Hero,’ and ‘Fearless’

Elton John called Pope Francis "my hero" for his compassion and push to accept gays in the Catholic church at his annual AIDS benefit

Christian Bale Moses Exodus

Christian Bale Draws Fire After Moses Comments

Christian Bale, who plays Moses in Exodus: Gods and Kings, the forthcoming biblical epic directed by Ridley Scott has upset several Christian writers after

windwood presbyterian church

After Leaving Due to Stance on Homosexuality, Houston Church Suing the Presbyterian Church (USA)

A lawsuit between a Texas church and Presbyterian Church (USA) has been continuing on for over six years, and it still seems to be

Religion And Surfing

Is There a Link Between Religion and Surfing?

Religion, God, and Spirituality may all have connections to surfing. These surfers believe they have found faith in the waves. A feeling of wholeness,

Jenna Kim Jones Takes the Lead in “Meet The Mormons”

Jenna Kim Jones, a New York entertainer takes center stage as host and narrator of the new movie, Meet the Mormons. With a deep