Kirk Cameron Spreading Joy With ‘Saving Christmas’
- By Alison Lesley --
- 15 Dec 2015 --

Kirk Cameron’s 2014 film ‘Saving Christmas’ aims to get viewers into the holiday spirit.
Kirk Cameron, Christian actor/film producer says that he is hoping that those who view his new film will receive “new eyes to see” this Christmas season. The movie is called: Saving Christmas.
The 45-year-old, self-confessed Christmas fanatic will be starring in his latest film and he is hoping that the movie will infect its viewers with the holiday spirit.
Cameron says that he hopeful that those watching will have their joy for Christmas renewed and receive “new eyes” from which to see the Holiday through. He wants them to see everything, from the Christmas decorations, the presents, Santa Claus, and all of the Holiday festivities as their reasons to celebrate God coming to the Earth and shining His light in the darkness, bringing life where death was.
Cameron believes that the Christmas season reminds people of Jesus Christ’s birth, therefore bringing out the best in them. He notes that there are also Scrooges out there intending to destroy the sacred Holiday for other people, and so this is was his motivation to make his new Saving Christmas film. The movie displays how disdain towards Christmas can actually be turned into a profound love and respect for other people.
He went on to say how people are getting very upset about Santa Claus and Christmas trees, so he made his movie about a man who gets upset with his wife for putting Christmas decorations up in the house. The man feels that it takes away from what the Christmas season is truly about. Cameron’s character in the movie is the brother-in-law of the man, and he takes him “by his Christmas sweater” and attempts to help him see the Christmas traditions through new eyes.
The actor also had some advice about how folks can “turn frowns into smiles,” much like the character he portrayed in his movie. He feels that everybody loves to be appreciated and thought of. Giving presents is one way you can express your love to someone. No one should max their credit cards out and go into debt, of course, and commercialism sometimes can put sour note on the Christmas season. But, people should participate in the joy, the celebrations, the feasting, the decorating, and the gift-giving, because all of it is the ‘heart’ of “Saving Christmas.”