Presidential debate

Your Guide to the Religions of the 7 U.S. Presidential Candidates

What are the religious beliefs of the 7 2016 U.S. Presidential Candidates? Aside from their political goals or platforms, the Republican and Democratic presidential

Who Church Leaders Endorse for the 2016 Election and Why Catholic Leaders Don’t Endorse Anyone

Religious leaders are generally uncomfortable to directly endorse any particular political candidate. Leading up to yesterday's Iowa Caucus, GOP leaders were touring the state

Pope Sweden

Pope Francis Heading to Sweden to Celebrate Reformation

The Pope Will Attend the 500th Anniversary of Reformation in Sweden In an effort to forge Christian unity, Pope Francis apologized for all the

51% of Americans Do Not Want an Atheist President

New Pew Research Center Survey on Faith and the 2016 Presidential Campaign GOP Candidates Seen As Religious – Except for Trump WASHINGTON, D.C. (Jan.

How To Create One Concept Of God We Can All Agree On

Reinventing the concept of God to apply to religious and nones alike. Believers of different faiths have their own notions about God or the

Icelanders Converting To Zuism To Get A Tax Refund

Zuists want to abolish the funding provided by the government to religious organizations. Zuism, a new religion in Iceland, has promised its adherents a

Christian Groups Are More Accepting of Homosexuality

Acceptance of homosexuality is rising in the Christian Community. Reports published by the Pew Research Center has stated that more U.S. Christians now support

Evangelist Claims He Can Bring Dead People Back to Life

Video evidence of Evangelist Todd Bentley's ability to raise the dead to be released...soon. While preaching at the MorningStar Ministry church last September, Canadian

A World Religion Holiday Season Calendar [Infographic]

Exclusively from! What Do World Religions Do During the Holiday Season? Discover what world religions do during the holiday season in this information-packed

How the Churches are Addressing Transgender Issues

Religious institutions are now formally addressing the issue of transgender people participating in religion. Religious institutions are now formally addressing the issue of transgender