The Surprising Thing You Shouldn’t Mention on Your Resume

photo: Which religions are good to have on your resume? Which ones hurt your odds of being hired? These are the questions a

Asia Religious Freedom

The Struggle for Religious Freedom as a Fundamental Human Right in Asia

China and North Korea arrest and condemn believers and violate the fundamental human right of religious freedom. In the US, we argue about religious

Non-Religious Religious Experiences

Can the Non-Religious Seek Religious Experiences?

Many Canadians claim no religious affiliation and consider themselves non-religious. However, many of these people still hold religious or spiritual beliefs. It is not

Atheist TV

American Atheists to Launch All Atheist TV Channel on Roku

The world's first Atheist TV Channel will be released in the summer of 2014. American Atheists, an atheist group based in Cranford, New Jersey,

Saudi Arabia Defines Atheists as Terrorists

By Tribes of the World [CC BY-SA 2.0 ], from Flickr King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has shocked many by announcing in a royal

SoulPancake Atheist Church

Ever wonder what goes on inside an Atheist church?

SoulPancake continues its series "Have a Little Faith" with this entertaining and informative video about Atheist churches. Creator and host Zach Anner meets with

Can Science and Religion Coexist In Equal Compatibility?

There was much interest in the recent debate between scientist, Bill Nye “The Science Guy” and evangelist and President of Answers in Genesis, Ken Ham. The debate concluded it’s possible that both science and religion can exist equally without having …

Neil deGrasse Tyson COSMOS Host

“Enlightened religious people” do not treat the Bible as a scientific textbook, says COSMOS host Neil deGrasse Tyson

Neil deGrasse Tyson, an American astrophysicist, science communicator, and director of the Hayden Planetarium, made the headlines recently after stating in an interview that

Religious Freedom Endangered by Rise in Blasphemy Law Use Led by Pakistan

Governments around the world are increasingly invoking blasphemy laws, with Pakistan by far the country that jails the most citizens for allegedly attacking religion, a US report said Thursday. …

Religion Declining Among America’s Youth

More and more American youngsters are turning away from the religious faith they were born into.  While some refuse to attribute the trend to