Religious public schools

Oklahoma: Both Sides Cite Religious Freedom in Ongoing Legal Dispute Over America’s First Religious Public School

It began in May of this year when Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt signed a bill into law that gave a tax incentive to parents

While “There Is No Intention To Legitimize Anything,” Vatican Allows Blessings For Same-Sex Couples

In a move laden with caveats and provisos, but nonetheless regarded as “a real development,” according to its author, Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández, the

Israel, we stand with you

Snow and Antisemitic Bus Boycott Fail to Thwart Solidarity Rally for Israel in Canada

Thousands of Canadian Jews converged at the site of that nation’s seat of government—Parliament Hill in Ottawa—on December 4, undeterred by a foot of

Priest in Union

May Trans People Be Baptized? Yes, Says Catholic Church. But…

Vatican doctrine permits the baptism of transgender people and allows them as well to serve as witnesses at Catholic weddings, according to a recently

Brandeis University

University Bars ‘Students For Justice in Palestine’ Over Support for Hamas

Brandeis University, an academic institution established by the American Jewish community in 1948 with the aim of combating antisemitism and prejudice in higher education,

Flag of Palestine

India’s Ban on Pro-Palestinian Protests Sparks Concern in Muslim-Majority Kashmir

As the number of civilian casualties in Gaza rises, Palestinian protests have been prohibited in Kashmir, the sole Muslim-majority state in India, where an

Beloved Arise logo

“We Are All Made In the Divine Image”—PRIDE Month Ends With Queer Youth of Faith Day

Acknowledging an often too-hostile climate for LGBTQIA+ youth of faith, Beloved Arise, a movement dedicated to LGBTQIA+ youth of faith set aside June 30,

U.S. Postal Service Mail Trucks

Conservative Justices Side With Liberals in Supreme Court Bid For a Compromise In Religious Discrimination Case

Gerald Groff routinely took Sundays off from his part-time mail carrier job at the U.S. Postal Service to observe the Sabbath. The evangelical Christian

2019.10.08 SCOTUS Protest for LGBTQ Equality, Washington, DC USA

“Love the Sinner, Hate The Sin” Wears Thin in a New Climate of Faith-Based Hate

The Episcopal Church has opened its doors to same-sex marriage, thus acknowledging the rights and personhood of the LGBTQ community. Some dioceses, however, are

Rob Monster and alt tech

Hate Loses A Haven

Researcher Megan Squire puts it this way: “Imagine you have a playground at school and there is a bully on your playground. The teacher