Exorcist Says That ‘Satanic’ Fake Rosaries Are Bringing Evil Spirits into Homes of Catholics
- By Alison Lesley --
- 06 Sep 2017 --

Masonic medals are also suspect
Ambrosio Nonato Legaspi, an exorcist, has made the claim that Illuminati Satanists are busy distributing rosary beads.[/tweetit] Catholics, unaware of the cursed objects, accept them. This makes the recipients vulnerable to evil spirits. The Filipino exorcist said that this association is causing the affected bad luck and nightmares.
Exorcist Says That ‘Satanic’ Fake Rosaries Are Bringing Evil Spirits into Homes of Catholics[/tweetthis]
The Filipino exorcist made this claim while speaking on a Radio Veritas program of the Diocese of Novaliches. The program is named Hello Father 911. Legaspi is the chief exorcist of the “Libera Nox” department in the diocese. He warned the listeners to be careful about buying rosaries as they can be cursed or infested. If reports published by CBCP News, a Catholic website, are to be believed, the cursed rosaries have already been prayed over. The evil Illuminati group did the praying, thus consecrating the object to evil. Any person who makes use of them, will then on be followed by the evil spirits.
These fake rosary crucifixes, as per the exorcist, have a number of hidden symbols. This includes a snake. The snake is wrapped around cross. There is a sun with rays and pentagrams. All three are favored by the famed Illuminati. The cursed religious iconography is spreading at a rapid pace around the world. Catholics are being advised to ask a ritual or throw these pieces away. If the ritual option is chosen, this should be done only by a trained exorcist.
Idiots https://t.co/u87Si0922Z
— Marcher Lord (@MarcherLord1) September 5, 2017
Philippe de Guzman, another priest belonging to the Libera Nox order, reiterated the same dark iconography during his radio interview. Legaspi asked Catholic priests to bless the religious items as per rituals followed by Catholics. This is much more needed if the owners of these objects have suffered paranormal occurrences. He said, that the priests must not only bless them, but also exorcize these objects. The process is much more different than a standard blessing where the water is simply sprinkled. The concerned priest must conduct a complete Catholic ritual. Only then the demons will flee from the cross.
The Filipino exorcist also warned about the many Masonic medals which are presently in circulation. These medals are made to appear similar to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. The latter is also known as Medal of the Immaculate Conception. The bottom of the medal has a compass, a Freemasons insignia. Legaspi said that the satanic symbols are not noticeable to the untrained eye.