Scientology Pastor Brian Fesler Explains the Basics of Scientology in Interview [Video]
- By Linda Wieland --
- 27 Jun 2018 --
Pastor Brian Fesler attests to Scientology’s practicability and workability in a new interview.
Is it always refreshing to see a fellow Scientologist talk about our beliefs in a news broadcast; it shows people are curious, asking questions, and have an open mind about Scientology and its teachings. In this NewsChannel5 clip, Pastor Brian Fesler of the Church of Scientology of Nashville talks about the basics of Scientology – what it is, when and how it started, and our basic beliefs. Some of what he says I’ve covered in an earlier featured contributor piece – 10 Things You Should Know About Scientology – but if you want to know more about Scientology from a person who has lived it and can attest to its practicability and workability, watch this interview with Brian.
Scientology Pastor Brian Fesler Explains the Basics of Scientology in Interview [Video][/tweetthis]
Pastor Brian starts out with the meaning of Scientology. It is essentially the study of knowledge. Scientologists believe in God, although, as emphasized in the interview, it is not specifically the Christian God, or the Muslim God and so on and so forth. Scientology is all-denominational, so a Christian may attend Scientology classes during the week and go to a Scientology church on a Sunday or vice versa. The Church has Sunday services at 11am, which, Pastor Brian mentions, covers universal topics, such as ethics and morals and parenting. Similar to Christian services, it has prayer, readings and discussion. Classes are held throughout the week, where participants can learn and gain valuable tools that they can use to more effectively handle the challenges of everyday life. There are about 600-800 Scientologists in the Nashville church. The Church of Scientology has been in the area since 1985.
Scientology is a practical knowledge that enables you to look for yourself and find yourself. It started at the dawn of Dianetics, it’s first book, in 1950. Our founder, L. Ron Hubbard went into deeper study after writing Dianetics, found that human beings are spiritual beings, and Scientology emerged as a religion. The first Church of Scientology began in 1954, and now, we have 170 churches around the world.
Scientology teaches that individuals are made up of the mind, body and spirit. We are spiritual beings with consecutive lives. Although our belief in the afterlife is similar to reincarnation, it is also distinct; reincarnation teaches that how good you are impacts how you are re-born. Scientology does not go into those specifics, we simply teach that the spirit lives on after the body dies and may move on to another body. There are 11-12 million Scientologists around the world currently.
I share my excitement with Pastor Brian in the launch of the Scientology Network, which is 24/7 religious broadcasting, available on Scientology.TV and at DirecTV Channel 320. Watch the channel and find out for yourself what Scientology is all about, get a glimpse into the lives of real Scientologists, and see what the church has been up to in matters of human rights, social work, and societal betterment. Voices for Humanity is a great example of one of our new shows, it features both Scientologists and non-Scientologists working together to address some of the deepest concerns and uses of our society today.
I love what Pastor Brian said in the closing of the interview. “We are not interested in conversion.” Indeed, the Church of Scientology’s doors are open to people of all faiths, we just ask that you come and find out for yourself.