Comedian Hannibal Buress College Show Stopped Because of He Attacked Catholics

Comedian Hannibal Buress’ College Show Stopped Because He Attacked Catholics

Comedian Hannibal Buress College Show Stopped Because of He Attacked Catholics
ANYA GARRETT is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Hannibal Buress’ Performance at Loyola-Chicago Was Stopped by University one minute into the show

WARNING: The video clips shown involve explicit language and do not reflect the views of WRN.

Students at Catholic college Loyola University-Chicago got an unwelcome interruption when Hannibal Buress came to perform at their school. The comedian started his show by posting a letter he received from the school before the performance. The letter asked the comedian to refrain from any content that was sexual, involved drug use, race, rape, or basically anything explicit.

Comedian Hannibal Buress’ College Show Stopped Because He Attacked Catholics[/tweetthis]

In a predictable fashion, the comedian decided to ignore the letter and go in the opposite direction. After reading the letter he said to the audience “Y’all **** kids, right?” This was a clear allusion to the sexual abuse scandals that have haunted the Catholic Church for decades.

Immediately after the comment, Hannibal’s microphone was shut off by the sound crew. The comedian tried to continue his performance without a microphone, but the background music was turned up to drown him out. He left the stage and meanwhile students chanted for him to return, while campus security were posted at the front of the stage as a precaution. Buress ended up returning to the stage 15 minutes later to a standing ovation and finished his set.

It was later revealed that it was the administrators, not the students, who made the decision to turn off the microphone.

There has been some questioning for why the school decided to allow the comedian to perform at all. The comedian has attacked religion in previous performances and is known for speaking straight on all the issues that were banned in the letter.

Neither the college nor Buress’ has released an official statement about the incident yet.


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