Electronic Safety Bracelets to be Issued to Hajj Pilgrims

2016 Hajj Pilgrims will be given electronic safety bracelets in hopes of avoiding another tragedy. The Hajj is an annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca,

Snapchat Imam

How an Imam is Attacking ISIS With Snapchat

Snapchat Imam Suhaib Webb says it is an honor to be denounced by ISIL. Suhaib Webb is not a typical Imam. He is a

Muslim Women Kicked Out of Cafe Are Countersued

Laguna Beach's Urth Caffe claims 'Civilizational Jihad' in countersuit against Muslim women. The attorney Davi Yerushalmi who is representing Jilla Berkman, the owner of

11 Year Old Mexican Muslim Boy Makes Strong Opposition to Trump’s Hate Speeches [Video]

Mexican Muslim boy stands up to Donald Trump's hateful rhetoric with Facebook videos. Donald Trump gained momentum in his presidential campaign when he focused

Angelina Jolie Attends Muslim Iftar Dinner on World Refugee Day

Angelina Jolie addresses refugee crisis at interfaith Iftar dinner in Washington, D.C. Monday was World Refugee Day. The interfaith Iftar reception held at the

See What it’s Like Being Muslim and Gay

Photographers take portraits to share the stories of gay muslims. Lia Darjes is neither gay nor Muslim. She had to persuade many gay Muslims

Fasting, Fencing, & Ramadan: Training for the Summer Olympics During the Holy Month

Muslim Olympian Ibtihaj Muhammad trains for up to 7 hours a day with no food or water. Ibtihaj Muhammad is a nationally ranked American

Muslim Leaders Condemn Orlando Shooting

Muslim leaders across the country mourn Orlando shooting; denounce ISIS. Muslim leaders from all over the United States have denounced the mass shooting that

Pope Francis Urges Faithful to Transform Mexico

Horrified Pope Francis Condemns Orlando Shooter

Pope lashes out over access to weapons in the United States. Sunda June 12, the United States witnessed the deadliest mass shooting by a

Gladiator Writer Will Challenge Muslim Stereotypes with Rumi Film

Rumi film aims to challenge the stereotypical portrayal of Muslims in western cinema Hollywood is planning to make a biopic about the 13th-century poet