Satanist Raise Baphomet Statue in Little Rock

Satanists Raise Baphomet Statue in Little Rock, Arkansas

Christians and Republican lawmakers were not amused with the Baphomet Statue. Satanists turned out in droves to shout their support of the unveiling of

The Satanic Temple Bringing Baphomet Statue to Protest in Arkansas

The Satanic Temple Bringing Baphomet Statue to Protest in Arkansas

The Satanic Temple wants the bronze statue to be installed beside the Ten Commandments monolith. The Satanic Temple, a Massachusetts-based organization, has announced its

Destruction of Arkansas Ten Commandments Monument Forces Satanic Temple to Postpone Lawsuit

The Satanic Temple is dropping charges, but vows to resume the lawsuit if the monument is installed again. On June 28, a monument

The Satanic Temple Fights Arkansas’ Attempt to Block Capitol Monument, Demands Public Hearing

After Arkansas House passed a Bill to block Satanic monument request, Satanist organization issues legal demand for public hearing The Satanic Temple (TST), an

Legal Disputes Over Ten Commandments Monuments Continue Across the U.S.

Legal Disputes Over Ten Commandments Monuments Continue Across the U.S.

Legal disputes are brewing in two states regarding the placement of a monument of the Ten Commandments on the properties of public buildings. Legal