Nearly Every U.S. President Has Been Christian

Most presidents have been from the Episcopalian or Presbyterian churches. America’s new president Donald Trump is the nation’s ninth Presbyterian president. The nation has

Only 14% of American Catholics Have A Positive Opinion On Muslims

Only 14% of American Catholics Have A Positive Opinion On Muslims

Bridge Initiative research reveals over 50% of Catholic media connects Islam to ISIS. Catholics in America seem to have an unfavorable opinion about Muslims,

Bishop Says It’s Wrong to Award Vice President Biden Because He’s Pro-Choice

Bishop Says It’s Wrong to Award Vice President Biden Because He’s Pro-Choice

Bishop Roades: Wrong to Honor "Pro-Choice" and "Pro-Gay Marriage" VP Joe Biden. Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades, the 9th Bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend, whose

Examining the Religious Traditions of All 44 U.S. Presidents

Pew Research Center has compiled a list of the religions of U.S. Presidents throughout history. The U.S. Constitution has expressly forbidden any religious requirement

Bernie Sanders Captures Hearts with Anti-Racism Statements

Sanders may have made some gains in the Presidential race with anti-racism statement and a hug. Bernie Sanders, who hopes to land the Democratic

Thich Naht Hanh recieves Peace on Earth award

Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hanh Receives Catholic “Peace on Earth” Award

Thich Nhat Hanh, "Thay" is the first Buddhist to receive the Catholic Pacem in Terris peace award. Thích Nhất Hạnh, a Buddhist monk hailing

FFRF: The Battle has Begun! This is War, Pope!

Freedom from Religion Foundation launches assault protesting Pope Francis' visit with National Ads. A lot of Americans and the media may be very excited

Presidents And Religion

The Religious Influence on American Presidents

It is no secret that America's presidents have been predominantly Christian, but how religious have all of the presidents been? While they ran the Oval Office