Visit of Leda Bergonzi to the Votive Temple of Maipú

Can A Young Female Faith Healer In Blue Jeans Work A Miracle For Argentina’s Declining Catholic Presence?

He raised his hands and asked the 110,000 faithful packing the stadium to pray with him for the three-year-old toddler who couldn’t walk without

It's Love! At Bible Gateway

Bible Gateway Reveals the #1 Most Searched Terms

The mission of Bible Gateway is to honor Christ. Bible Gateway, the popular online scripture resource, has revealed several illuminating statistics[/tweetit] concerning its readers

Rio Olympics will Provide Multi-faith Spaces for Athletes to Encourage ‘Brotherhood Between Religions’

2016 Rio Olympics welcomes all religions with their prayer spaces. The Olympic Games sees one of the biggest gatherings of people from all over

5 Awesome Wicca Litha/Summer Solstice Festivals for 2016

Top 5 cool places Wiccans and Pagans can celebrate Litha. The summer solstice will fall around the 20th to the 22nd of June depending

Keith Wommack - Addiction

How You Can Beat Addiction Through Spiritual Understanding

How to overcome self-destructive acts with a little help from above. “I always had a cigarette in my mouth. The first thing I did

Pope kiss cures cancer

The Pope’s Kiss Killed Cancer, Cures 12-year-old Girl

A kiss and healing prayer from Pope Francis cured a little girl of cancer Pope Francis, the head of Roman Catholic Church, healed Gracie

Respect Heals

Respect Transforms and Heals When You Have an Open Mind

We can be quick to judge in this day and age, but oftentimes the person we're judging can surprise us with their true spirit

Generosity Spirituality

It Pays to Be Nice: How Spirituality and Generosity Improve Your Well-Being

The spirituality that causes someone to be generous may also help them heal. Are you seeking “Lower blood pressure, lower risk of dementia, less

When You Quit, You Lose: How to face difficult circumstances and persevere

Featured Contributor Keith Wommack gives inspiring advice for the New Year: Don't Quit. The Army Ranger, my nephew, shared details of the extremely tough