Pope and Trump are Tied for Second Most Admirable Men of 2015

Donald Trump and Pope Francis Tied for Second Most Admired Men in Gallup's Top 10. The most admired woman and man in the world,

Lindsey Graham apologizes to Muslims for Trump’s Islamophobic Comments in Debate

On CNN Lindsey Graham apologizes to Muslims for Donald Trump's anti-Muslim remarks during the Republican debate. The Republican presidential undercard debate that took place

Jeb Bush Starts Religious Committee To Win Christian Support

Jeb Bush created the Religious Liberty Advisory Committee to protect the First Amendment. Jeb Bush, one of the Republican presidential candidates, has created a

The Satanic Temple Challenges Conservative Christianity’s Influence in Government, Women’s Rights and Public Schools

In an interview with the New York Times, The Satanic Temple's two founders discuss the religion's origins and recent accomplishments toward reducing Christian privilege

Presidents And Religion

The Religious Influence on American Presidents

It is no secret that America's presidents have been predominantly Christian, but how religious have all of the presidents been? While they ran the Oval Office