Appeals Court Rules the U.S. House Can Reject Atheist Invocations

Appeals Court Rules the U.S. House Can Reject Atheist Invocations

FFRF says the exclusion of non-religious prayers violates civil liberties. The U.S. Court of Appeals for District of Columbia has upheld the earlier ruling

The “Atheist Christmas Coloring Book”

“Atheist Christmas Coloring Book” Teaches How Christmas Was Created Through A Melting Pot of Traditions and Fairy Tales

The “Atheist Christmas Coloring Book” is aimed towards the rational thinker. Rick Marazzani's Atheist Christmas Coloring Book, makes the perfect gift for an atheist.[/tweetit]

New Nashville Nones Convention Held Saturday for Atheists and Religiously Unaffiliated

New Nashville Nones Convention Held Saturday for Atheists and Religiously Unaffiliated

Nashville Nones Convention is for religiously unaffiliated and non-believers to connect and learn how to speak up about their beliefs. For atheists and other