"The biggest climate change was the global flood of Noah's day" David Attenborough, a famous naturalist, has told a Parliament committee that when faced
Joseph Kezele believes that scientific evidence backs up the biblical story of Noah's Ark. Arizona State Superintendent Diane Douglas has hired Joseph Kezele, a
This is the result of teleological thinking. Researchers at the University of Fribourg in Fribourg, Switzerland, have discovered a correlation between conspiracy theory beliefs
The Templeton Foundation Fund Impartially Questioned There has been continued tension between science and religion. Elaine Howard Ecklund and Christopher P. Scheitle wrote a
New Fossil Shows the Earth Is 3.5 Billion years old. Science is not designed to disprove religion. In fact, science is designed to find
Creationist Ken Ham's Noah's Ark theme park opens this summer A 510 feet long, 85 feet wide, 8 stories high recreation of Noah’s Ark
Google has offended Creationists with new primitive man doodle on their homepage. Today Google’s new doodle features the Australopithecus Lucy and celebrates the 41st