World Religion News Ranked #1 Religious Blog and Website
- By Alison Lesley --
- 17 Jul 2019 --
WRN #1 on Feedspot’s Top 50
World Religion News has been chosen as Feedspot‘s number one blog in its ranking of the Top 50 Religious Blogs and Websites about the World of Religion. WRN ranked above Religion News Service, a highly-respected and well-read Religion News Website, while Religion and Belief of The New York Times, equally as prestigious, came in third.
World Religion News Ranked #1 Religious Blog and Website[/tweetthis]
World Religion News is honored to be named the top religion blog among such strong competitors in the category of blogs on religion. Feedspot is a content reader and social network for RSS users, and they base the ranking of the Best Religious blogs using search and social metrics. In 2018, WRN ranked second, after the blog Religion on Reddit.
Here are the blogs ranked by Feedspot from 1-10:
1st: World Religion News is here to talk about the world of religion in ways that will surprise, challenge, enlighten, entertain & engage you within a framework wired for a connected world. We cover all world religions from Agnosticism to Wicca & all religions in between. So dive in and tell us what you think, feel, loathe, love, hate, want to see more or less of, and always, choose the highest truth.
2nd: Religion News Service, based in DC, NYC, London and Rome and has been in publication for 80 years. According to its website, “Founded in 1934, RNS seeks to inform readers with objective reporting and insightful commentary, and is relied upon by secular and faith-based news organizations in a number of countries. RNS is affiliated with the Missouri School of Journalism at the University of Missouri.”
3rd: Religion and Belief is on nytimes.com and contains commentary and archival information about religion and spirituality from the The New York Times.
4th: Catholic Exchange, primary geared towards the Catholic community, offers content that seeks to enrich and enlighten those in the Catholic faith. According to their website, “We publish the finest articles that explore the saints, devotions, and the everyday spiritual and practical aspects of Catholicism.”
5th: Episcopal Cafe is a voice for the Episcopal Church and the Anglican tradition. While not considered as advocacy, The Café is not a platform of advocacy, “it does aim to tell the story of the church from the perspective of Progressive Christianity.”
6th: Get Religion focuses on how the mainstream press covers religion news in politics, entertainment, business and sports.
7th: Feminism and Religion was established “in the hope that feminist scholars of religion and all who are interested in these issues will use this forum to share their ideas, insights, and experiences, so that this community of thinkers will be nurtured as we explore diverse and new directions.” It is composed of a team of volunteers that have come together to engage in collaborative work.
8th: The Scientology Religion blog is a website from Scientology, a contemporary religion that uses spiritual technology to help its adherents reach their full potential and create a better world where human beings enjoy peace, human rights, happiness and religious freedom. The Scientology Religion website highlights articles about religious freedom, Scientology’s victories, religious recognitions, expert studies and more.
9th: The Bulletin publishes articles that address religion, the history of religious studies, method and theory in the study of religion, and pedagogical practices. It covers diverse religious traditions from ancient religions to new religious movements.
10th: Christian Headlines is a for-profit religious corporation dedicated to building up the Church, which is the Body of Christ. According to the website, “our aim is to offer the freshest and most compelling biblically-based content to Christians who take seriously their relationship with Christ.”