What Do Scientologists Believe?
- By Jim Kalergis --
- 01 Aug 2019 --
“Take a look, and you may be surprised how closely Scientology beliefs parallel those of all men and women of good will.”
Over the years I’ve noticed that professional bigots, in their efforts to discredit Scientology, sometimes hold supposed “secret beliefs” of the Church up to ridicule. Actually, anyone interested in Scientology beliefs can read them in the Creed of the Church of Scientology. There’s not much shock value there. Take a look, and you may be surprised how closely Scientology beliefs parallel those of all men and women of good will.
What Do Scientologists Believe?[/tweetthis]
Scientology is an applied religious philosophy, “applied” meaning the “philosophy” is for use. “Religious,” because it addresses the individual as a soul or spirit, rather than as a body. Scientologists are seekers with the common goal of spiritual growth.
It’s not surprising that some mistakenly believe Scientology is a matter of belief. What a person believes is at the center of most religions. Scientology is different in that it’s not about what a person believes that makes them a Scientologist. It’s about what they do. If one learns and applies the tools of Scientology to the betterment of themselves and their fellows, they’re a Scientologist. Because Scientology is not about belief, some parishioners are both Scientologists and members of another religion, one that’s primarily a belief system. There is no conflict.
If you’re curious about the subject and want to know more, talk to a Scientologist, but don’t ask them what they believe. Ask them what they do.
This post was originally published in the STAND League Blog.