Trump's Party Slams Clinton After Leaked Emails About Catholics

Trump’s Party Slams Clinton After Leaked Emails About Catholics

Trump's Party Slams Clinton After Leaked Emails About Catholics

Wikileaks has revealed strings of emails allegedly showing Clinton supporters talking negatively about Catholics.

After Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump came under fire for a leaked video showing him talk about women in obscene and lewd terms, a release by Wikileaks has now become a major cause of concern for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. Wikileaks released strings of emails in which Clinton's top aides are seen talking against Catholics. Religious leaders from these churches as well as Donald Trump himself quickly took up this issue as a means to slam his opponent.

Trump’s Party Slams Clinton After Leaked Emails About Catholics[/tweetthis]

The email shows a conversation between John Halpin, a senior fellow of the Center for American Progress and Jennifer Palmieri, the Communications Director for Clinton. The message was sent by Halpin to Palmieri and John Podesta, the chairman for Clinton’s campaign. Podesta, however, did not respond to the email. The Center for American Progress is described as a “Democratic think tank” and is known for its close relationship with Clinton's campaign as well as the Obama-led government.

The email shows Halpin claiming that most of the powerful players in the conservative movement are Catholics. He adds that their position is an “amazing bastardization of the faith.” Halpin goes on to insist that “they” are attracted to the “systematic thought” which he describes as being severely “backward in gender relations.” He also accused Catholics in power of sorely lacking knowledge about “Christian Democracy.”

Although Podesta too was included on the email, he chose to refrain from replying. Palmieri, however, replied by saying that Catholicism was the “most socially acceptable conservative religion.” She continued, saying “Their rich friends wouldn’t understand if they became evangelicals.”

Others strings of emails show Clinton supporters planning on creating Catholic groups to oppose traditional Catholic issues like contraceptives and abortion, thereby trying to create a divide in the Catholic Church.

Trump and his supporters denounced the Clinton campaign as being “highly bigoted” behind closed doors. In a conference called after the emails surfaced, Trump's campaign compared the viewpoints of the email to the persecution of the Irish in the 19th century. Trump accused Clinton of “viciously attacking Catholics and Evangelicals” and said people who are religious should vote for him.

Ironically, both Palmieri and Halpin are Catholics. Both have denied the authenticity of the emails, which were actually leaked by Russian hackers. Clinton's campaign insisted that Russian hackers have been known for leaking false information and these emails are just another example of that. 


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