Religious Freedom According to Major World Religions

How different religious groups feel about religious freedom. January 16 is Religious Freedom Day, a day when we celebrate the right to practice religion

Soldiers Can Now Wear Hijabs, Turbans and Beards in the U.S. Military

The U.S. Military now permits soldiers to wear religious hijabs, turbans and beards. A new U.S. military guideline will make it easier for military

Sikh Federation Requests UK Files on 1984 Golden Temple Assault

1984 attack on Golden Temple is being investigated at the Sikh Federation's request. Sikh Federation members are campaigning the British government to release documents

Only 26% of Americans are Not Christian

Religion is losing its footing in the United States Gallup's ongoing research on religion shows that the influence of religion in the U.S. society

President Obama Signs Bill Specifically Granting Atheists Protection Against Persecution

The Frank R. Wolf International Religious Freedom Act will not only protect the rights of the religious, but of the non-religious too and prevent

20 Years of PBS Show ‘Religion and Ethics NewsWeekly’ Come to an End Feb. 24, 2017

The PBS show Religion and Ethics NewsWeekly to air final episode in 2017. The award-winning weekly public television series, Religion and Ethics NewsWeekly is

Winter Religious Holidays Around the World [Infographic]

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Sikh Captain America Set to Fight Racism In Trump’s America

Sikh Captain America is doubling up on his efforts to combat bigotry after Trump's election. Vishavjit Singh, dubbed ‘Sikh Captain America,’ has been fighting

Twitter Cracks Down on Hate Speech

Twitter has added new features to support its stance against abusive and hateful tweets. On November 15, Twitter introduced new features aimed at improving

Why The Majority Of Christians Voted For Donald Trump

An analysis of what may have driven so many Christians to vote for Donald Trump, and how people from other faiths voted. Although experts