Sikh Man in Facebook Ad Perfectly Responds to Racism
- By Alison Lesley --
- 18 Dec 2014 --
Vishavjit Singh, the Sikh Captain America, was featured in a recent Facebook ad, but many responded with hateful comments. His reaction was beautiful.
Facebook has regularly been releasing advertisements called “Facebook Tips.” They are generally around 27 seconds long, and explain to you how to have a better Facebook experience. Vishavjit Singh, the star of a recent ad, just happens to be a Sikh American. In the video, he discusses how your likes affect your timeline. However, Facebook users rarely miss a moment to bash on something, releasing their steady stream of hateful references.
This video clip, which has been viewed around 5 million times already, has received a wide array of feedback. Some users simply responded with Facebook requests, such as a dislike button or the old website. Others, however, seemed to be angered at the mere appearance of a turban on their newsfeed.
Vishavjit Singh had his own response to these negative Facebook comments. This man is not an actor, he’s a comic book artist and lover. Some made their own answers to “stand up” for him, while others presented basic facts about his faith, Sikhism. Still others cried racist and bigot. However, Singh urges we see the haters as people. “These might be factual statements,” he writes. “But they miss the big narrative of our lives. It seems natural and easy to just define these irritated souls as racists, but even they have complicated life stories beyond their fears.” His forgiving attitude is exemplary of the positive nature many Sikhs exhibit. He chose Sikhism based on its values and morals and because the words of Nanak touched him deeply.
In his response, Singh felt the need to educate the ignorant by telling them his story. To him, the people behind the negative statements are important to reach out to because they are the ones left in the dark with their lack of knowledge and understanding of the world. So he told his story of surviving the attacks on Sikhs in India, his return to the United States for college, his love of books, his decision to follow Sikhism, his donning the turbaned Captain America costume that made him an internet sensation, and everything he felt would explain where he comes from and who he is as an individual. He finished his piece with a quote from Robert Louis Stevenson, “Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others.”