Muslim Students Bullied More in California

55% of California Muslim students have reported being bullied. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has found that Muslim students in California are bullied

Pope urges youth to read the bible

The Pope Urges Youth to Read the Bible

The Pope is fond of the New German Bible for Youth. In his prologue to a new German Bible for youth, His Holiness Pope

Muslim wins beer delivery case

Gov’t Accused of Favoritism After Muslims Win Beer Delivery Case

Obama administration criticized for standing up for Muslims, but not Christians. Mahad Abass Mohamed and Abdkiarim Hassan Bulshale, both Somali-American Muslims, have been awarded

Gay Marriage Still Illegal, Says Pat Robertson

Pat Robertson maintains that gay marriage is still illegal. Popular televangelist Pat Robertson maintains that gay marriage is still illegal - and he may

DNA Shroud of Turin

DNA Reveals World Origins of the Shroud of Turin

The Shroud of Turin was possibly created in India according to new DNA research. The famed Shroud of Turin, which many believe is the

Thich Naht Hanh recieves Peace on Earth award

Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hanh Receives Catholic “Peace on Earth” Award

Thich Nhat Hanh, "Thay" is the first Buddhist to receive the Catholic Pacem in Terris peace award. Thích Nhất Hạnh, a Buddhist monk hailing

Christians thinks Oprah "Belief" is wrong

Christians Think Oprah’s New ‘Belief’ is Wrong

Debuting to low ratings and mixed reactions, Oprah drummed up interest in religion today with her documentary series 'Belief.' The new mini series by

Leah Remini on Scientology 20/20

Actress Leah Remini talks to 20/20 about Scientology and her new book, “Troublemaker”

Leah Remini spoke to ABC's 20/20 program about growing up in Scientology, what she liked, what she didn't like, and her troubles with Tom

Protestants Celebrate Martin Luther on Reformation Day

The anniversary of Martin Luther's 95 Theses is celebrated on Reformation Day. Though the date of October 31 is most widely known as the

5-year-old chooses heaven over hospital

Five-Year-Old Chooses Heaven over Hospital, Parents Agree

Parents let five-year-old daughter make the decision to live or die. Julianna Snow would rather go to heaven than to the hospital - and