Actress Leah Remini talks to 20/20 about Scientology and her new book, “Troublemaker”
- By Gary Nguyen --
- 30 Oct 2015 --
Leah Remini spoke to ABC’s 20/20 program about growing up in Scientology, what she liked, what she didn’t like, and her troubles with Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes
In an exclusive interview on the eve the release of her new book, “Troublemaker,” actress Leah Remini spoke with 20/20’s Dan Harris about being brought up in Scientology, her time in Scientology’s “Sea Org,” a monastic branch of Scientology, her differences with the Church and why Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes played a role in her leaving Scientology. The Church of Scientology responded formally, here and here.
Actress Leah Remini talks to 20/20 about Scientology and her new book, “Troublemaker”[/tweetthis]
Interestingly, Google Trends shows that interest in the Leah Remini interview on ABC also drove massive interest in Scientology on Google:
Watch the entire interview here: