Why Are Exorcisms More Popular Than Ever?

Theology professor Joseph Laycock presents some reasons why exorcisms remain so popular. When science started to explain how life on Earth actually evolved, religion

Did The Church of Scientology Receive Six Million Dollars in Free Advertising from Google?

Scientology says Google gave them $6 million in free advertising funds for non-profits. As reported by Business Insider, based on a leaked video transcript

Challenging the “Religious Kids are less Altruistic” Study

A scholar is challenging studies that are saying that religious kids are less altruistic than children who are non-religious. Terrorism by radical Islamists and

Chapman Survey of Fears

Why are Muslims and Immigrants Sources of Fear?

A new study provides insight into the fears of Americans. The Chapman University Survey of American Fears found out that a number of factors

Another Study Confirms Christianity is Fading in America

Christianity is still the majority religion in America, but it continues to decline in popularity. A recent Gallup poll has revealed that one among

How To Create One Concept Of God We Can All Agree On

Reinventing the concept of God to apply to religious and nones alike. Believers of different faiths have their own notions about God or the

Nusrat Qadir Hijab

Open Letter: The Hijab Is A Reminder That God Is Above Me

Islam signifies the hijab as modesty and a means of protection. Featured Contributor Nusrat Qadir pens an open letter to the Washington Post in

Nusrat Qadir God

Our God and your God are One: Origins of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism

Islam and Christianity can be at peace. In a time of turmoil and constant reminders of those who spread fear and divisiveness regarding Islam,

Healthy Heartbeat

How Spiritual Cadence Helps You Find Your Healthy Heartbeat

The more we understand and trust health exists in Spirit, in God, the more naturally health and healing follow in our bodies. How many

Interfaith Peace Conference

Religions Unite for World Peace at Sydney Scientology Church

Church of Scientology Sydney hosts interfaith conference in the name of peace. Religious leaders gathered at the Church of Scientology of Sydney, to attend