Alabama Textbooks Maintain that Evolution is “Controversial”

Alabama textbooks will keep disclaimer saying theory of evolution is "controversial." The theory of evolution was first proposed by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck in the early

Pay-to-Pray Scam Must Pay Back $7 Million to Victims

Pay-to-Pray scam that fed on faith and desperation is ordered to pay $7 million in restitution. There is a certain helplessness that you feel

Buddhists Celebrate Magha Puja Day

Traditions and history behind Magha Puja Day. Magha Puja is also known as the Full Moon Day. It is a Buddhist festival that is

Mother Teresa will be Declared a Saint September 4

Pope Francis says Mother Teresa will enter sainthood September 4. It is only fitting that Mother Teresa be made a saint in the year

Will the Supreme Court Make History with Four Jewish Justices?

U.S. Supreme Court could have the highest number of Jewish Justices at one time in history. As of now, the Supreme Court of the

Cruz Favored by Conservative Catholics as a Trump Alternative

Ted Cruz is now gaining support from the Catholic community. Many Americans think that Donald Trump is an unfit presidential candidate. To drum up

Happy Holi! The Hindu Festival of Colors

Happy Holi! The Hindu Festival of Colors

Mythological origins and activities of the Hindu Holi Festival. Hindus around the world celebrate the arrival of spring in a very colorful way. It’s

Send Virtual Prayers to the Western Wall with The Kotel Prayer

The Kotel Prayer: Send your personal message to G-d, in your own words, in any language. Jews and other individuals around the world who

Wiccan Ostara Rituals for Rebirth & Renewal

Wiccan Ostara Rituals for Rebirth & Renewal

Wiccans celebrate Ostara on March 21 with rituals showing thankfulness for nature's rebirth. For Wiccans, the spring equinox holds a particular resonance. Known as

10 things learned after 10 years of marriage

10 Things That We’ve Learned in 10 Years of Marriage

Featured Contributor Shane Pruitt and his wife Kasi Pruit share lessons of love, kids, and learning respect after a decade of marriage. Over ten