Worldwide gatherings show solidarity after Charlie Hebdo terrorist killings

Demonstrators are rallying to show solidarity with France and support freedom of the press. Earlier today, three hooded gunman shouting "Allahu Akbar," an Islamic

Atheist Winston Churchill was begged not to convert to Islam

A newly discovered letter from 1907 reveals Winston Churchill’s family begged him not to convert to Islam. Words contained within a newly discovered letter

Malaysia 2015

Is Malaysia Ready For A Fresh Start In 2015?

2014 was a year of major headlines concerning religion and religious freedoms in Malaysia. What will 2015 hold for the nation and its people?

ISIS Burning Christian Artifacts

ISIS’ Stolen Artifacts and Torture Chamber Churches

ISIS has stolen ancient religious artifacts and converted churches into torture chambers in their ongoing war. ISIS has, in the past, taken to terrorizing religious

Iranian Jewish Monument

Iran Unveils Monument to Jews Killed Fighting Iraq

In a move that many would not suspect from Iran, they have recently unveiled a monument to Jewish soldiers who fought during the eight-year

PBS Travel Show “Sacred Journeys” Follows Religious Pilgrimages

PBS TV series Sacred Journeys with Bruce Feiler is a religious show exploring the experiences of people who visited holy shrines and how it

Serial Podcast

How Syed and the Serial Podcast Exposed Religious Bias

The Serial podcast by Sarah Koenig explains how the case of Adnan Syed has exposed religious prejudice against Muslims in the American justice system. There have been many different

Jewish Muslim Protestors

Jewish and Muslim Protestors Join the Black Lives Matter Movement

Jewish and Muslim Protestors Bring Attention to the #BlackLivesMatter Movement this Hanukkah. December 16, Jewish and Muslim members were led by the Arab-American Association

#IllRideWithYou Hashtag Reveals Humanity After Australian Siege

A #IllRideWithYou Twitter campaign against Islamophobia in the wake of Sydney Siege was started and had gone viral. The Australian café siege which lasted over

FIFA aims to keep religion out of Soccer

Nicolas Vilas spent three years investigating the links between faith and soccer and wants to keep religious and political slogans off the FIFA field.