Girls Send Bibles to Hurricane Victims
- By C Barnett --
- 12 Sep 2017 --

Sisters Raise Money for Bibles
Since August 2017, Hurricanes Harvey and Irma have swept through the United States, the West Indies, and the Caribbean causing massive damage. Many governments and individuals around the world have found ways of helping the victims by sending aid in various forms.
Girls Send Bibles to Hurricane Victims[/tweetthis]
In Dalton, Georgia, two sisters, Madison and Ada Holloway have decided to raise money to buy Bibles as a way of supporting those who lost everything during the hurricane. After seeing the videos from Hurricane Harvey and Irma on television, the girls aged nine and eight were moved to help.
The sadness motivated these little girls with big hearts to fund raise and buy Bibles for the hurricane victims. Through the aid of their family and fellow members of the East Brainerd Church of Christ, the girls set up a ‘GoFundMe’ page to raise money.
They plan to raise 400 dollars through public donations, enough to buy a hundred Bibles. These are to be accompanied by a hand written notes with a word of encouragement or a Bible verse. The Bibles are to be sent to the leaders of churches in the affected areas and distributed to their parishioners. These copies will help replace the Bibles lost in the floods as well as encourage those who are recovering.
A multitude of people has supported the move by the Holloway sisters. However, critics argue that the guardians of the girls should have steered their passion for helping to raise money and buy necessary items such as clothes and food.
They further say that the media has given them free publicity which should have been channeled towards the hurricanes and its victims.
Despite the negative remarks, the move by the Holloway sisters remains admirable for a 3rd and 4th-grade child. They aim to offer encouragement to the victims of the hurricanes and share God’s love through His word.