Why Christians Should Love Porn Stars
- By Nathan Glover --
- 01 Feb 2018 --
Christians have made too many contradictions on the porn industry and sex
Watching the pornstar Stormy Daniels talk about her alleged affair with President Trump, we have seen an oddly contradictory public message from Christian leaders.
Why Christians Should Love Pornstars[/tweetthis]
On one hand, pornography has been condemned as immoral and there are multiple Christian pastors and churches that focus on “pornography addiction” and how to defeat it. WRN even did a story about how using low-budget military videos is supposed to stop people watching porn (we are not kidding). We’ve also written about XXX Church’s strategies to overcome pornography addiction many times.
On the other hand, Christian leaders, like Family Research Council head Tony Perkins, have said that President Trump gets a “mulligan” for his affair. For those of you that don’t play golf, that means he gets a pass on the affairs.
Yep, watching porn equals you are going to hell. Cheating on your wife with a pornstar? You are going to hell if you do it twice. Or maybe it is with two different pornstars. Unclear on the intersection of golf rules and scripture.
But this illustrates the problem of Christianity’s attack on pornography. Tony Perkins’s answer is actually the one that seems to closely relate to what Jesus would say. Forgive the sin. There are numerous stories of ex-porn actors that find God after their career and say it saved them. That is great, but what about the number of pornstars who say they believe in God and are happy in their career and see no difference?
The Brazilian pornstar Kamilla Warneck recently got into trouble when she stated that God is fine with her movies. She stated that God cares more about what is in her heart then what she does for money. Most of her attackers come from evangelical denominations, which presents a unique issue. Since evangelical groups believe in the entire Bible, how can they criticize her interpretation of scripture, but not believe the parts about approving slavery or beating of your wife or daughter? This is the danger, that we accept one individual’s interpretation or selective editing of the Bible, while we brutally attack another.
This is what creates the space for individuals to create their own interpretation. When Christians attack with fervor and anger individuals who participate in pornography, instead of finding common ground it causes pornstars to interpret the bible in their own way. Legendary porn star Ron Jeremy has said that the overwhelming majority of those in the porn industry worship God. Why does the church not offer an open hand instead of a closed fist? Jesus interacted with prostitutes and numerous individuals who had considered immoral behavior. He stated that you should treat those you see as you see him.
When Christians hate porn they make it harder for their goal, the elimination of porn, to occur. It would be better to offer love and support to the porn industry and see if that tactic works.