Pope Francis Sets Up Foundation To Improve Catholic Education
- By Nathan Glover --
- 08 Nov 2015 --

Pope Francis recognizes the extreme importance of education by setting up the Congregation for Catholic Education.
In a letter circulated in the Roman Curia, Pope Francis announced the institution of the Gravissimum educationis Foundation intended to promote Christian education all over the world.
Pope Francis Sets Up Foundation To Improve Catholic Education.[/tweetthis]
The announcement came on occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council's declaration on Christian education.
“I am grateful to the Congregation for Catholic Education for the initiatives organized for this 50th anniversary of the declaration Gravissimum educationis,” the Holy Father wrote in the letter.
He also quoted the foundation's statutes saying, “I am likewise pleased to learn that the same Dicastery wishes to constitute on this occasion a Foundation named Gravissimum educationis, with the aim of pursuing 'scientific and cultural ends, intended to promote Catholic education in the world”.
The foundation has been instituted in Vatican City and is therefore subject to the Canon law, Vatican City civil law, including its own statutes.
Pope Francis sets up foundation to boost Catholic education https://t.co/CverF3fHRz
I wish the Bishops would give more emphasis
— Joseph,S.J. (@FrJosephM) October 30, 2015
In his letter Pope Francis quoted from the Declaration of Vatican II that was issued on Oct. 28, 1965, saying, “The Church recognizes the 'extreme importance of education in the life of man and how its influence ever grows in the social progress of this age', are profoundly linked to the fulfillment of 'the mandate she has received from her divine founder of proclaiming the mystery of salvation to all men and of restoring all things in Christ'.”