Bad Boy Mark Wahlberg Attributes Success to His Faith in God

Mark Wahlberg’s personal commitment with God is what matters the most to him. Mark Wahlberg is known for playing main characters that usually fall

Aviya Kushner Grammar of God

‘The Grammar of God’: How Grammatical Nuances can Change the Meaning of the Bible

Photo via Aviya Kushner explains the importance of grammar in the Bible in her book The Grammar of God. Aviya Kushner has obsessed

‘The Leftovers’ Season 2 Introduces New Cast Members, Location Change

HBO's TV show on the rapture, The Leftovers, has some changes in store for season 2, set to debut on October 4. The second

‘War Room’ Earns $50 million Helping People with Marital Problems

'War Room' is a Biblical box office smash that is changing lives. It's been four weeks since the national release of War Room and

Pope Francis: Every Life is Sacred, End the Death Penalty

Pope urges Congress to respect life and treat it as sacred. The death penalty must be stopped worldwide. In his address to the Congress

After 50 Years of Service, Elder Richard G. Scott of the Church of The Latter-day Saints Dies At 86

Elder Richard G. Scott spent his life in the Lord’s cause and was happy to do it. On Tuesday, September 22, Richard G. Scott

FFRF: The Battle has Begun! This is War, Pope!

Freedom from Religion Foundation launches assault protesting Pope Francis' visit with National Ads. A lot of Americans and the media may be very excited

The Pope In DC: Congress’ Reaction to the Challenge

Pope stresses the importance of the U.S. in fighting climate change and creating a society that is inclusive and tolerant. As part of his

God are you there? I googled you.

A New York Times  writer analyzes Google search trends related to religion and God. Seth Stephens-Davidowitz from the New York Times is busy trying

Pope Francis’ Makes a Unique Stop in Cuba at a Santeria Shrine

Pope Francis acknowledged the 13 percent of Cubans who practice Santeria during his trip. Pope Francis has been touring Cuba and is now visiting