Christians blames peoples poverty on lack of effort

46% of Christians Believe Myth “Poverty is Based on Poor Work Ethic”

53% of white evangelical Protestants blame a person's lack of work ethic for their poverty level. A recent poll by The Washington Post and

La Civilta Cattolica

Pope’s Inner Circle Says U.S. Christians & Catholics Formed Alliance of Hate by Backing Trump

The article by Marcelo Figueroa and Antonio Spadaro was published in La Civilta Cattolica Marcelo Figueroa, a Protestant theologian and Antonio Spadaro, a Catholic

US Muslims more accepting of LGBT community than Evangelicals

52% of American Muslims Support Homosexuality

In 2007, only 27% of US Muslims supported homosexuality. Muslim residents in the United States now accept homosexuality more than white evangelical Protestants.[/tweetit] A

Karen Armstrong: Don’t Blame Religion For Terrorism

Karen Armstrong examines the knotted history of religion and violence In a time when Muslim extremists quote the Koran as they behead their victims,

Trump Axing Law in Move to Allow Churches to Support Political Candidates

The present US administration wants to defang the Johnson Amendment. Hiding behind the din of Obamacare repeal, The U.S. House Appropriations Committee voted during

Two-Thirds of Evangelicals Think That Muslims Don’t Belong in America

US Muslims are apprehensive about Islamic extremism in the U.S. As U.S. society slowly goes secular, a report published by the Pew Research Center

Evangelical Pastors Are Showing Their Support for Donald Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner During Russia Probe Investigation

Evangelical leaders launch a coordinated effort to save Kushner from media shaming. Jared Kushner, senior adviser to the White House has found the support

24 Evangelical Leaders Praying with Trump – Does it Signal More Power for Preachers in Washington?

Critics say the separation wall between church and state is being chipped away. The White House Oval Office witnessed approximately 24 evangelical leaders praying

Sharp Partisanship Over Religion in America

Democrats and Republicans differ sharply in their views. A Pew Research Center survey discovered a strident partisan outlook on a number of national institutions

80% of Canadians Would Choose an Atheist Prime Minister

80% Canadians do not mind voting for an Atheist leader Polls show Canada is comparatively more open to diversity in one sense. 80 percent