Catholic Priest Who Performed 160,000 Exorcisms Has Died

Catholic Priest Who Performed 160,000 Exorcisms Has Died

Catholic Priest Who Performed 160,000 Exorcisms Has Died
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Exorcist of the Diocese of Rome, Father Amorth, passes at age 91.

The Catholic Church's world-renowned exorcist, Father Gabriele Amorth, passed away September 16, 2016. Father Amorth was battling pulmonary complications at a hospital in Rome where he had been admitted a few weeks ago. Aged 91 at the time of his demise, Father Amorth was an iconic figure of the Catholic Church's doctrine on exorcisms, the devil, and evil influences.

Catholic Priest Who Performed 160,000 Exorcisms Has Died[/tweetthis]

Father Amorth claimed in 2013 to have conducted 160,000 exorcisms, including those that were done repeatedly on the same persons. The priest has also been controversial for many of his claims, one of which includes his belief that a number of satanic sects exist, even within the church. He went further to add that even church leaders like bishops and cardinals are members of these sects. These claims of his, which he made public through a publication of his memoirs were highly criticized and questioned by Catholics.

Father Amorth was born in Modena on the first of May, 1925. Having lived through the times of Hitler and Stalin, the priest had claimed that both were “influenced by the devil.” However, he also affirmed that this did not mean that they were not responsible for their brutal actions. He said that obeying the commandments of Satan was their choice, and that they are completely responsible for their actions.

Influenced by Blessed Giacomo Alberione, and five years after meeting him, Father Amorth joined his newly formed order, the Society of St. Paul, in the year 1947 at Alba. He was ordained as a priest in 1951. Cardinal Ugo Poletti named him the exorcist of the Diocese of Rome in 1985. Father Amorth's journey as an exorcist began at that time, and it was a responsibility he carried with him graciously to the end of his life.

Father Amorth was of the opinion that even today, a lot of people are influenced by the devil. He said that a lot of politicians act on instructions by the devil, which is why the world has gone bad. He believed that in the modern world, Satan dons the appealing cloaks of politicians and even religious leaders to take the world away from peace and love. He is also known for claiming that invoking the name of Pope John Paul II during exorcisms is a very powerful weapon.

Father Amorth is the Founder of the International Association of Exorcists. He is also the recipient of the “Medal of Liberation,” presented to him by Paola Baseline, the prefect of Rome.


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