Richard Gere’s Path to Buddhism

Richard Gere on finding his way to Buddhism. Most of the people who would recognize Richard Gere’s face due to his many memorable movie

Mercedes Benz Apologizes for Promotional Post Quoting Dalai Lama

Why Dalai Lama is Still “Hopeful About the World’s Future”

Dalai Lama opinion piece "Why I’m Hopeful About the World’s Future" for The Washington Post. An opinion piece, published in The Washington Post Monday,

Ceremonial Use of Lights Around the World [Infographic]

Light ceremonies and rituals in a variety of religions and cultures are explained in this infographic from Solar Centre UK. Light is ubiquitous in

Mercedes Benz Apologizes for Promotional Post Quoting Dalai Lama

Dalai Lama Urges Tibet Provinces to Unite

The re-elected Prime Minister of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile hopes for a peaceful resolution on the issue of Tibet during Dalai Lama’s lifetime. Lobsang Sangay

How A Monk Uses Science to Get People Interested in Faith

A monk in Tokyo is using astronomy as a way to encourage interest in Buddhism. From the outside, Shoganji Temple located in Tokyo’s Katsushika

Dalai Lama Thinks New Project Can Create Peace in the World

Can the Dalai Lama's Atlas of Emotions app help achieve inner peace and end war? Tenzin Gyatso, the present Dalai Lama, is very serious

China’s Attack on Buddhism is a Threat to Tibetan People Too

New Tibet Watch report details role of religious institutions in political activism in Tibet. In the wake of Chinese president Xi Jinping's recent speech

Experience Life in a Buddhist Community and Improve Your Practice

Buddhist summer residential training program in Berkeley, CA combines study, practice, and service. In the heart of downtown Berkeley, CA a small community of

Buddhist Monk Mummified and Covered In Gold

Beloved Buddhist Monk Fu Hou was enshrined in gold and placed near the temple to be worshipped. A Chinese monk who breathed his last

How Buddhism is Being Adapted for American Society

Buddhism is thriving in the united States and developing into "American Buddhism." Buddhism has evolved over the years similar with all mainstream religions. It