Hurricane Harvey

Religious Groups Responding to Hurricane Harvey

Groups are offering food and a place to sleep. Roofs blew off businesses and homes when Hurricane Harvey hit Texas on August 25. Wind

Joel Osteen Criticized for Temporarily Closing Church

Joel Osteen Criticized for Temporarily Closing Church Instead of Using It as a Shelter for Hurricane

After backlash, the church tweeted Tuesday they had started receiving people into the church. Joel Osteen, the permanently smiling pastor has canceled services usually

Same-Sex Marriage Is a Threat to Religious Freedom

Melbourne Archbishop Denis Hart Say Same-Sex Marriage Is a Threat to Religious Freedom

Only heterosexual marriage can keep the concept of family alive Melbourne Archbishop Denis Hart, has asked Catholics to vote “no” in a survey concerning

Franklin Graham Religion of Peace

Franklin Graham Criticizes Islam as A “Religion of Peace”

Franklin Graham quoted an ex-CIA employee to substantiate his views Evangelical leader Franklin Graham wrote on August 26 that politicians must resist from describing

Liberty University alumni send diplomas back

Liberty University Alumni Sending Back Diplomas After Falwell’s Remarks on Charlottesville

Alumni upset with Falwell’s support for Trump Jerry Falwell Jr. opted to defend President Trump in the wake of his statement on the events

Nun and Paul Ryan Debate Poverty in Racine

Nun and Paul Ryan Debate Poverty in Wisconsin

Ryan and the GOP are on the defensive over healthcare bill Paul Ryan, the House Speaker, faced a few tough questions at a town

Pope Calls to Prioritize Immigrants’ Safety over National Security

Pope urges world leaders to be sympathetic about refugees Political leaders from all over the world were urged by Pope Francis to defend migrants.[/tweetit]

Greg Laurie Spiritual Awakening After Charlottesville Violence

Greg Laurie Calls for Spiritual Awakening After Charlottesville Violence

Greg Laurie recounted to the Angel Stadium audience on his 'hate filled' youth Pastor Greg Laurie, in front of a gathering of about 26,000

Philippines Catholic leaders against drug campaign killings

Catholic Leaders in Philippines at Forefront of Campaign to End Drug War

Faith leaders speak out against police killing spree Luis Tagle, the Cardinal of Manila, and head of the Catholic Church in Philippines has severely

Tillerson’s Religious Freedom Report Says Fighting ISIS’ Genocide Is a Priority

No mention was made of Muslims being attacked in a targeted manner in the US Rex Tillerson, the United States Secretary of State, spoke