D.C. Muslims Feed Homeless Before Ramadan Fast

D.C. citizens fasted in solidarity against anti-Muslim discrimination and helped the community by inviting the homeless to iftar. Prominent Muslim personalities and institutions are

Federal Judge Blocks Mississippi Anti-LGBT Religious Freedom Law

Controversial Mississippi anti-LGBT religious law blocked by Judge House Bill 1523, a 2016 Mississippi law protecting the beliefs that, (i) a marriage is a

Religion is Becoming a More Popular Subject for TV Shows

Exploring religion in mainstream TV shows is becoming more common, in spite of its complexities. In the past, mainstream television has been very reluctant

How Diet and Exercise Might Not Be the Only Way to Stay Healthy

Community spirit might be more beneficial to health than we think. One hundred and fifty years ago, after a couple of decades of research,

The “Right To Die” is No Debate in Jainism

While a terminally ill person's "right to die" is debated in America, the practice is held in high regard in the Jain religion. The

You Can Now Stream Faith-based Movies from Christian Cinema on Apple TV

The Christian Cinema app is now available on Apple TV. The world's biggest library of Christian films, an extremely viable category, is now simply

‘The Assassination of Joseph Smith’ Book is a Detailed Account of the Last Years of the Mormon Founder

Author Ryan C. Jenkins recounts the last six Years of the LDS Founder in The Assassination of Joseph Smith. The Assassination of Joseph Smith:

Muslims Celebrate the ‘Night of Power’: Laylat Al-Qadr

Islam's Laylat Al-Qadr traditions Laylat Al-Qadr is often known as the Night of Power as it is considered as the most precious night in

Mind-Boggling Tunnel Jews Dug by Hand During Holocaust is Discovered

A tunnel from the Holocaust era dug by escaping Jewish prisoners in Lithuania was recently discovered. The tunnel was found at Ponar (now known

Tim Tebow Comforts Family With Prayer During In-Flight Emergency

During a medical emergency Tim Tebow prayed with patient's family on a Delta Airlines flight. Remember Tim Tebow’s NFL career? Probably not. But, do