Top 5 Things You Didn’t Know About Buddhism

Buddhism is a far more complex religion than many who do not know it give it credit. Here are a few facts to better your

Asalha Puja Day

Everything You Need to Know About Buddhist Asalha Puja Day

Asalha Puja Day: Important Holy Day for Buddhists Asalha Puja Day, also called Dharma Day, is a very important holy day for the Theravada

Buddha Day

Buddhists Celebrate Buddha Day with Prayer and Good Deeds

Wesak, or Vesak, also known as Buddha Day, is a day for Buddhists to celebrate Siddhartha Gautama's birth, enlightenment, and death. The day is

Bodhi Day

Winter Holiday Series: Bodhi Day

Yesterday, December 8, marked Bodhi Day. Bodhi Day is a holiday celebrated by members of the Buddhist religion. The holiday marks the day Siddhartha