ADL’s Holocaust Lesson for Sean Spicer; Melissa McCarthy Mocks Him on SNL

Spicer said Hitler "didn't use chemical weapons" and brought Jews to "Holocaust centers." The White House press secretary stunned reporters claiming Nazi dictator Adolf

ADL Says Most Americans Want Gov’t to Address Violence Against Jews and Muslims

ADL finds that anti-Semitism is on a decline; the majority of Americans want the Government to take measures to address the attacks on Jews

ADL to Take on Cyberhate with New Silicon Valley Center

ADL open Silicon Valley center to combat cyberhate Jonathan Greenblatt, the Chief Executive Officer of Anti-Defamation League (ADL) made an announcement that his organization

ADL Takes Proactive Steps to Combat Rise of Anti-Semitic Speech on Social Media

ADL Takes Proactive Steps to Combat Rise of Anti-Semitic Speech on Social Media

The Anti-Defamation League has created a new role which will be entirely devoted to investigating and curbing Anti-Semitic rhetoric. The rise in anti-Semitic rhetoric